Sandy Crowell will be painting en plein air at Harvest Gold Gallery in Lovell, Maine, on Aug. 20. (COURTESY PHOTO)
Sandy Crowell will be painting en plein air at Harvest Gold Gallery in Lovell, Maine, on Aug. 20. (COURTESY PHOTO)
LOVELL, Maine — Artist Sandy Crowell will be painting en plein air at Harvest Gold Gallery at 1082 Main St. in Lovell, Maine, on Saturday, Aug. 20.
Crowell will begin setting up her easel at 10 a.m. and painting until about 3 p.m. She will be painting one of the beautiful scenes around the gallery. All are welcome. Plein air artists can bring supplies and join in on the fun.
Crowell is mainly an oil painter. She left Maine as a young adult to attend Sierra Nevada College where she studied visual arts and later got her bachelors. She spent many of her college years on the west coast, from California to Washington, but her heart was in Maine. Leading her to move back to the beautiful state that fostered her love for both nature and art.
When Crowell was only 5 years old her parents bought lakefront property in Bridgton, Maine. Originally from Massachusetts, she fell in love with the Maine wilderness. She recalls the magic she felt watching the seasons change — sweet summer changing into fiery fall, then the magic of winter blanketing the forest in snow.
Maine and its nature inspire her to make art, saying “painting is my way of studying the world around me and I love learning from it.”
For more information, call (207) 925-6502, email or stop by the gallery.
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